Wonderful crochet blouse with shell-shaped details - free step-by-step


Not to fall in love with the standard crochet look, look at this beautiful white blouse with crochet shell stitches, it is a very elegant blouse to party and can also be used casually, I liked this model and found the graphics to make it. I intend to make a blue for my niece said she will also use as a beach exit, I think it will look cool as a beach exit. Crochet has become current fashion and has shown perfect crochet. This site is making available the graphics of this beautiful blouse and step by step for you to also learn in an easy and calm this white blouse art. Let's learn how to do it together so we can sweep away this current standard crochet model. Stay calm if you are a beginner in crochet art, I'm sure you'll easily learn this manual and super fun work. I want you to fall in love just like I fell in love with the crochet, today I can not stay without doing something in crochet or learning new points and models of work.

The crochet you have to love the use of the manual work to later understand the techniques adopted in the crochet, the high and low points and points models and the charts schemas. Follow the graphs and the tutorial below:

The graphics are easy to understand, just follow the points to realize this work of art that is this white blouse with points in the shape of shells:

12 comentários:

  1. Linda a blusa parabéns! Quero fazer um vestido

  2. Oi, tem vidio aula ou um padrão mais completo.

  3. linda a blusa não tem um vídeo aula ou um gráfico?

  4. I do not understand how the graph and the 3 diagrams/instructions can help me make a complete blouse as gorgeous as this. Please help me find the full set of instructions along with necessary quantities of yarn and hook size, along with blouse sizes.

  5. Bonjour, c'est SUBLIMISSIME mais serit il possible d'avoir le tuto complet car là avec seulement un motif ca va etre compliqué de débuté
    D'avance merci
    Cordialement Véronique

    1. Je n'arrive pas à comprendre si on travaille motif par motif en les cousant ensuite ensemble, ou si il y a un lien conducteur? Auriez-vous une idée, car j'en ai deux de commandé, tellement il est beau

  6. Can you please send the full instruction so that i can make this awesome top

  7. Explications complètes serait plus logique je trouve moi aussi.

  8. Je regrette de devoir dire que je ne trouve pas le descriptif pas à pas annoncé. Le motif est très intéressant, mais je ne vois pas du tout comment relier les motifs ensemble sans faire énormément de couture grossières. Auriez-vous l'amabilité de nous fournir quelques explications complémentaires. Merci par avance

  9. Can you please direct me to a written copy of the directions for this blouse please and thank you

  10. dommage, j'aime bcp le crochet mais les anagrammes je n'arrive pas à les lire ; seules les explications écrite, orale ou en vidéo me sont faciles
