Wonderful fragmented blanket - step by step free


 Hello crochet girls!

As I already informed you that I am very excited to share beautiful works of standard crochet, and to keep you updated weekly, follow this beautiful scrapped blanket, it is a marvel of crochet work that I can call a work of art than the blanket itself, serve for decoration as for a blanket to protect against the cold, it’s fascinating, you know. I'm leaving the step by step with graphics of this beautiful work, and I hope you are attentive and excited to make this beautiful pattern crochet work. In addition to being free step by step, you can save a lot with this job, as you just use all the crochet yarn left over and assemble this scrapped blanket of various colors, in addition to not having to match color just use the ones you have in stock and have fun with this job.

So don't waste time, let's crochet and have fun.

Follow the parts of this blanket in 3 steps, just follow the step by step and the images that will understand the C2C points and the way forward:

If you thought about it, here are some more details:

EDIT: Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 (the final part) are now available for free.

The graph created in Part 1 is important to understand the scheme used in cretches:

Look at the finished part of this beautiful blanket, how not to fall in love with this work, it is really beautiful and I have a lot of idea on how to use it.

There is also a post with tips and techniques, including videos with various tutorials on youtube that I will leave for you:

4 comentários:

  1. Very interesting just want the pattern please...

    1. The pattern is on my blog: SheMakesCrochet.com

      This was copy and pasted off of it!

  2. You didn’t design this pattern. And I know that because I did.
