Dress In Crochet Girl - Step By Step Free


Children's crochet dresses are classic pieces that can't be missed in a child's wardrobe, because it squanders delicacy, sophistication, beauty and a lot of charm that only crochet provides.

Today's tutorial is more than cute, I want to make available and share with you the lindeza that this dress, the cool that it is all worked in closed and open points so who is doing the tutorial wins the art of creativity, from this same point I learned others that have intended me for new pieces.

That is, produce one and Already have other models as beautiful as this in mind, I started making this model for my goddaughter who is on the way.

It's already in love, it's really a piece rich in detail that will make your baby even more charming, I really like working with children's plays because it's a promising growth market.

Just look at this piece that I want to take, so if I consume i believe the market consumes very well too, it is a piece that will leave any mother in love.

In addition, the children's business is interesting, because large parts of the models are fast, versatile and almost in the same week you can start and finish, that is, work you have is very fast, depending on the value you will target the piece.

So it is worth it, you who are beginner invest your time in learning children's models, this because you will have a lot of ease to do, ie are not huge pieces and neither complicated, simple and very easy models and you will see return.

The cool thing is also to invest in blankets and maternity exits, which are classic and millennial pieces of the moment. The cool of children's pieces and that helps you train for great models, this because you will make miniature clothes and so take after points much bigger, so are very tasty pieces to be working.

For those who are starting is great, because you start and finish and so be motivates and create other and other models, I myself when I started with dishcloth beak and furniture cloths, because as I did not know much wanted something that came out fast,

The larger items I was producing followed tutorials, so I gradually learned that like every beginner, I had my difficulties, plus persistence and practice led me to perfection.

What motivated me was also the market, because after I started to publicize my work I received orders and each of them That I delivered and gained positive feedback, praised me to continue doing more and more and so I was making my name.

Today I already receive orders without having to go around showing, so if you are a beginner, do not worry about the time you will gain authority in this market, but the market needs to know you.

Since you stopped here in the tutorial as cute as this, it is worth taking all the necessary material and make with us this amazing children's women's dress.

Once the piece is ready, in addition to passionate you will see crochet as an opportunity to set up your own business because it really is a beautiful piece.

Below is the complete step by step for you to make this beautiful dress

The recipe is versatile, that is, it is suitable for babies from 03 to 06 months (use a 1.5 mm to 2.0 mm needle and equivalent cotton thread), for babies from 06 to 09 months (use 2.5 mm needle and equivalent thread ) or even for 1 year old babies (use a 3.00mm needle and equivalent thread)


car = career

corr = current

pt = point

sl st = very low stitch

bp = low point

pa = high point

pad = double crochet

padfj = double high stitches closed together

next = next

epç , epç = space

1- 94corr, 1 sc in the second chain, sc in all sts (93 sts remain)

2-3corr to go up, 1pa in each base pt.

3- 2crr, 1sc in the first pt, *4corr, skip a pt, make a sl in prx pt * , repeat from *a* until 2pts remain, make 2crr skip 1pt and make a pa in the third chain you made to go up(da previous carr) (there are 46 spaces of chains)

4 and 5- 1corr, sc in first pt, *4corr, sc in next corr space* repeat from *a* until the end, end with 2corr and 1pa close in first sc in previous row.

6- 1corr, bp in the first pt, *4corr, 2bp, 3corr, 2bp in the next corr* space repeat from *a*, finish with 2corr and 1pa (as in previous rows)

7- 1corr, sc in the first pt, *7corr, skip the space of 3corr, fasten with sc in the space of 4corr,* repeat from *a* until the end (close with sc in the last space of 4corr) (there are 45 spaces of 7corr)

8- 5corr, 3pb in 1 epç, 5corr *3pb, 3corr, 3pb, 5corr (all in the same space)* repeat from *a* to the penultimate epç, 3pb in the next space, 2corr, 1pa in the sc you made to start ( there are 46 spaces of 5corr)

9- 4corr to go up, make 2pad closed together in the same base pt, 1corr,*3pdafj, 3corr, 3pdafj, 1corr (all within the space of 5corr)* repeat from *a* until the end, finish with 3padfj in the last space .(90 fans remain)

10-1corr, 1bp on top of first half fan of previous row, 4corr, 3padfj on next 3corr space, 4corr,1bp on next 1corr space, 4corr, 3padfj on next 3corr space, continue to end, end with 4 corr and sc on top of the last half fan (there are 44 padfj blocks)

11- 7corr, 1bp on top of the first block, 3corr, 1pad on the next bp, 3corr, 1bp on the next block, so until the end,

end with 3corr and 1pad in the last bp. (45 pad and 88 3corr spaces remain)

12- 6corr, (1pa,4corr,1pa) in the prox pad of the previous row,3corr, repeat until the end, close with pa in the 4th row of the 7 of the previous row, (there are 43 spaces of 4corr and 44 spaces of 3corr)

13- 6corr, (3padfj, 3corr, 3padfj, 3corr, 3padfj) in the prox esp of 4corr, 2corr, repeat 42 more times, finish with 1pad in the 3rd corr of the 6 in the previous row (129 pad blocks remain)

14- 7corr, skip the prim spç of 3corr, 3padfj in the prox epç of 3corr, 3corr, 3padfj in the prox epç of 3corr,4corr, pb in the prox epç of 2corr, 4corr, 3padfj in the prox epç of 3corr, 3corr, 3padfj in the prox epç of 3corr, repeat 41 times, finish with 3corr and 1pad in the 3rd corr of the 7 of the previous row.

15- 8corr, skip the 1st spç of 3corr, 3padfj in the prox epç of 3corr, * 7corr, sc in the prx epç of 4 corr, 3corr, sc in the prx epç of 4 corr, 7corr, 3padfj in the prox epç of 3corr, repeat 41 times, finish with 3 corr and 1pad in the 3rd corr of the 7 of the previous row.

16- 1corr, sc in the same spot, 7corr, skip the prx bloquinho, sc in the 3rd str of the 7 of the next espc of 7corr,* 7corr, sc in the 5th str of the 7 of the next espc of 7 corr, 7corr, skip the prx bloquinho , sc in the 3rd strand of the 7th of the next espc of 7corr repeat from *a* 3 times ---For the armhole: **7corr, skip the prx 22 espc of 7th corr, sc in the 5th strand of the 7th of the next espc of 7 run,

7corr, skip the prx block, sc in the 3rd corr of the 7 espc of 7corr*, repeat from *a*10 more times---Second cava: 7corr, skip the prx 22 espc of 7 corr*, repeat from *a* until the end (there are 11 epçs at the beginning, 22 epçs for the armhole, 20 epçs in the middle and 22 epçs for the other armhole, 11 epçs to finish)

17- 8corr, sc in the 4th corr of the 7 of the first espc of 7corr, (7corr, sc in the prx espç of 7corr) 40 times, finish with 4corr, 1pad in the last sc. of cor)

18-6corr, pad in prx sl, (3corr, pa, 3corr, pa, 3corr) in prx esp of 7corr ( pad in prx sl, 3corr, pa, 3corr, pa, 3corr) 39 times, pad in prx sl, 3corr pa in the 4th corr of 8 made p go up (there are 40(3corr, pa, 3corr, pa, 3corr))

19- 5corr, sc in 1st epç of corr, (4corr, sc in prx esp of corr) close with 2corr 1pa in 4

of the 6corr of the previous row. (there are 126 espç of corr)

20- 1corr, sc in 1st pt, (4corr, sc in prx epç of corr) until the end, close with 2corr, 1pa in 3rdcorr of 5 of the previous row(there are 122 espc of corr)

21- 5corr, sc in 1st epç of corr, (4corr, sc in prx epç of corr) end with 5corr, 1pa in sc.

22- 1corr, sl in the 1st pt(5corr, sl in the prx epç of corr) finish with 5corr and 1 sl in the 3rd corr of the 5corr of the previous row

From this car, work in a circular way (joining, at the indicated time, the two parts of the work)

23-6corr, sc in 1st corr espç, (5corr, sc in prx corr espç) repeat until the end, close with thin stitch in 3rd corr, from 6 at the beginning (thus forming a ring)

24- 1corr, sc in the same pt, 4corr, 3pb in prx corr espc, (3pb,4corr,3pb) in each corr space all the way around, finish with 2 sc in the last corr space and close with sl st in the 1st sc ( there are 122 espc of corr, and ??? pb)

25- 9corr, skip prx sl, skip prx espc of 4 corr, and next sl, pa in prx sl, (skip prxs 2pb, pa in prx sl, 6corr; repeat all the way around, close with sl st in the 3rd corr of 9 that made to go up. for picot-4corr, close in a ring, 3bp in the same ring.

26- 1corr, 3bp in the 1st espç of 6corr, for the 1st flower (see diagram below); 14corr, close with sl st in the 12thcorr from the needle, forming a ring, 3 sc inside this ring, picot 7 times, sc in each of the 2corr, 3 sc in the same 6corr espc from the beginning (carr25) , skip 2dp, 7 sc in the prox 6corr space, skip 2pa, 3pb in prx 6corr espc. For the next flower; 14corr, sl st in 12th str from needle forming a ring, 3 sl in ring, picot, 2corr, sl in 6th picot of previous flower, 2corr, 3 sl in same ring, picot 5 times, repeat 58 more times; Once again, picot 3 times, 2corr, sl st in the second picot of the first flower , 2corr, 3 bp in the ring, picot, bp in each of the 2corr, 3 bp same esp of 6corr, skip 2pa, 7 bp in the next esp of 6corr, close with sl st in the first sl st. Finish off. (there are 61 flowers)

27- Fasten the thread with sc on the 4th picot of the first flower, 11corr, (sc on the 4th picot of the next flower, 11corr) go all the way around, close.
28- 8corr, 1pa in the same pt, (4corr,pb, 4corr, pb, 4corr) in the 6thcorr of the prox epç of 11corr, (pa, 5corr, pa) in the prx bp, (4corr,pb, 4corr, pb, 4corr) in the 6thcorr of the prx epç of 11corr, repeat all the way around, close with sl st in the 3rdcorr of the 8th of the beginning.
29- 1pbx in the first epç of 5corr (4corr, 2padfj, 3corr, 3padfj, 3corr, 3padfj, 3corr, 3padfj) in the first epç, 7corr,(3padfj, 3corr, 3padfj, 3corr, 3padfj, 3corr, 3padfj) in the next epç of 5corr, 7corr, repeat all around, close with sl st on top of 1st pad block (224 blocks remain)
30- pbx in the first epç of 3corr, 4corr, 2padfj in the prx epç of 3crr, 3padfj in the prx space of 3corr, 3padfj in the prx space of 3corr, (4corr, pb, 4corr, pb, 4corr) in the 4thcorr of the prx espc of 7corr , repeat all the way around, (there are 183 blocks)
31- slst in the 1st epç of 3corr, (4corr, 2padfj), 3corr, 3padfj in the prx epç of 3corr, 6corr, 1pad in the 2ndcorr of the prx epç of 4corr, skip the prx epç of 4corr, pad in the 3rdcorr of the prx epç of 4corr, 6corr, 3padfj in the prx epç of 3corr, repeat all the way around (there are 122 blocks)
32- sl st in the 1st epç of 3corr, 4corr, 2padfj in the same space, 9corr, sl in the prx pad, 11corr, sl in the prx pad, 9corr, 3padfj in the prx epç of 3corr, repeat all the way around, close with 6corr and 1pa in top of the 1st block (there are 61 blocks)
33-9corr, 1pad in the same pa, (pad 5corr, pad) in the 3rdcorr of the prx epç of 9corr (pa,5corr, pa) in the prx epç of 11corr, (pad, 5corr, pad) in the 7thcorr of the prx epç of 9corr, repeat all the way around, close with sl st in the 4th corr from 9 at the beginning (there are 183 chain spaces)
34- sl st in the 3corr of the 1st epç of corr, 1corr, sc in the same corr, 7corr, (pb in the prx epç of corr, 7corr) repeat all the way around, close with sl st in the 1st sc.
35 and 36- sl st in prx 4corr of 1st epç of corr, 1corr, sl in the same corr, 7corr, (sp in prx epç of corr, 7corr) repeat all the way around, close as in row 34.
37- sl st in prx 4corr of 1st epç of corr, 1corr, sl in the same corr, 8corr (sp in prx epç of corr, 8corr) repeat all around, close as in previous rows.
38- 4corr, 2padfj in same base point, 3corr, sl in prx epç of corr, 3corr, 3padfj in prx epç sl, 3corr, sl in prx epç of corr, 3corr, repeat all the way around, close with sl st on top of first notebook.
Finishing the closing space: with the right side facing you, make two rows of low stitches (on the left side) On the right side do the same, but in the second row of sc mark the places where you want the buttons to be and make 7corr and close with sl st at the same base point, for each button repeat in the same way (or do it your way)

Now let's leave talk, I would like to point out that the credits of the content and image of this tutorial is intended for the official website that you will can check out all the amazing step by step by clicking here.

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