Crochet Cardigan Pattern With Flowers On The Sleeves - Free Step By Step


Welcome friends and friends of crochet, how good it is to have you on my website. I'm happy to have you here and I also imagine you liked this wonderful crochet cardigan blouse with flowers on the long sleeves I have to agree that it's beautiful and I'm in love with it, and best of all here you will find the graphics with all the details for you make this crochet blouse. This Cardigan has a lot of inspiration in crochet the stitches used are wonderful and looks beautiful in any color and can match anything. It's a cardigan that can be worn at any time whether it's an event or casually. I hope to see this cardigan blouse being made and shared by you, as the purpose of this site is to pass the pattern completely free to you crochet pattern lover. Remembering that each detail of this blouse involved a lot of love and dedication so don't miss the opportunity to learn how to do with the graphics step by step.

May you have a wonderful month full of crochet work that you really enjoy the art that is crochet.

Here you will find the construction graphics of this cardigan blouse with all the details from start to finish, the first construction graphic of the body of the blouse. 

This chart has the details of the points for you to follow the construction, you won't need to add anything because here you will find it from beginning to end.

The second Graph is the part of the mangoes, here I will leave two graphs to have an understanding of the pure mango and also the one worked with flowers, so you can do the step by step according to the graphs.

Model 1.

Model 2.

Here I leave the graphics of the flowers, that this step is for the end of the cardigan.

As you do not fall in love with this work, this pattern is very nice from the beginning and the construction is pleasant. So let's crochet and make our days happier, because that's what crochet brings me so much happiness and peace.

The result of the sleeve finished with flowers, this pattern is very beautiful. Comment if you liked this result will help to collaborate with the preferences of patterns to be disclosed here.

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